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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

Brandon Primary curriculum is driven by a desire for our children to have deeper knowledge of the world and an awareness of possibilities open to them which will lead to positive outcomes in their future lives.

The children and our curriculum are at the heart of education at Brandon Primary, we teach for lifelong learning.  Through our curriculum teach threshold concepts within each specific subject; we promote ‘Big Ideas’ for each subject that relate to elements within a subject discipline and support knowledge retention.

Our curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge builds on what has been taught before, and towards clearly defined end points.  Brandon Primary curriculum takes into account the findings of cognitive science which identifies the importance of concepts, sequencing and spaced repetition over time in order for children to retain learning in long term memory.  As children revisit and build upon threshold concepts, at an increasingly deeper level as they move though the milestones, they have the opportunity to make connections in their learning resulting in rich, deep learning (that is transferrable).

Brandon Primary curriculum is ambitious for all children; we hold high academic and personal aspirations for all children.  Brandon Primary does not reduce the curriculum offered to disadvantaged pupils or pupils with SEND.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our core values

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Safe
  • Achieve
  • Believe
  • Succeed
  • Inspire

At Brandon Primary we believe it is important that the curriculum both explicitly and implicitly develops these values so that they are meaningful to our children and so they can see how they affect their daily and future lives.

We ensure our children are equipped with the knowledge and skills and instilled with the values that they need to become resilient, responsible and empathetic citizens who make positive contributions to their community and wider society.