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Early Years

Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our EYFS lead is Miss C Abbott.

At Brandon Primary Academy we operate one Nursery class and one Reception class. Both classes have an EYFS qualified teacher leading each class and are ably supported by five support staff who are either Higher Level Teaching Assistants or Teaching Assistants. 

Children are admitted into Nursery the term after their third birthday and Reception children are admitted in September annually. Most children move form our Nursery provision into our Reception class and we also welcome children form a range of local playgroups and childcare settings in the area.

EYFS Intent

Brandon Primary Academy is at the heart of the community it serves and the start of your child’s learning journey. Our school is a vibrant, welcoming and safe place to learn, driven by high expectations. We strive as a team to inspire confidence, develop resilience, promote democracy and give children a voice to be heard, recognising only the best is good enough. We challenge children to believe in and reach beyond themselves so they leave proud of their achievements and are ready to make their next steps as confident and responsible citizens in an ever-changing society.  

Everything we do in our Early Years centers around our core values and the curriculum as set out within the EYFS framework.

The Aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage at Brandon Primary Academy are:-  

  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which embraces the themes, principles and commitments of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. 
  • To provide a happy, secure, stimulating and challenging environment. 
  • To provide opportunities for children to make choices which will facilitate independent learning, creative thinking and enable them to feel confident as learners. 
  • To provide opportunities for children to develop their communication, linguistic, investigative and problem solving skills through interaction with adults and other children. 
  • To promote children’s imagination in play through stimulating resources and activities within the inside and outside classrooms. 
  • To develop a partnership with parents/carers based on a shared understanding of the learning needs of the children. 
  • To provide quality first hand, play based learning experiences that are well planned and contain an appropriate balance between different types of play, permeating all aspects of the curriculum. 
  • To provide a range and balance of child initiated, adult initiated and adult focused activities indoors and outdoors. 
  • To provide a smooth transition between the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 – Year 1. 

In addition, one of our core aims are developing your child’s prime areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language

Our curriculum has been carefully mapped through the following documents below:

Curriculum Intent for Parents/ Carers

EYFS Curriculum Overview

Nursery Curriculum Overview linked to subject specific areas

Reception Curriculum Overview linked to subject specific areas

Progression in Skills for the Prime Areas of Learning

Common Play Behaviours – Skills Progression

Curriculum Enhancements in Continuous Provision