Personal Development

Our Personal Development programme is based on the school’s core values of Ready, Respectful and Safe; coupled with the values of Believe, Achieve, Succeed and Inspire. These values permeate the life of our school and pupils strive to live up to these values in their everyday lives.
Our aim is to teach children how to navigate through life safely, happily and healthily. Children are growing up in a world that is constantly changing and it is the duty of all the staff at school in partnership with the parents to teach the children transferable life skills. We teach children about the world around them, relationships, emotions, reproduction and health, as well as transferable skills to help with life. We consistently promote the British values and our school values.
Brandon Primary Academy teaches personal development in a variety of ways throughout the children’s school lives. For example:
- it is taught in discrete lessons (please see the curriculum map);
- it is taught with cross-curricular links in other lessons, such as English, Physical Education and Religious Education;
- staff members consistently model how to be a good citizen who uphold the school values;
- assemblies (whole school and special visitors);
- specialist staff working with individuals and groups;
- E-Safety lessons in computing and assembly;
- celebrating positive learning attributes during our weekly celebration assembly with weekly certificates;
- weekly class reflection time;
- wide range of before and after school clubs;
- well thought through transitions throughout the school and beyond;
- focusing on mental and physical health;
- pupil leadership opportunities such as School Council and Sports Leaders;
- celebrating different languages, cultures and religions;
- outdoor activity trips.
Please take the time to look through the different sections on the left hand menu to explore our Personal Development offer in more detail.