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Residential Visits

The Children of Brandon Primary School have the opportunity to attend two residential visits during their time with us. For many children this is their first experience away from home and is a significant milestone in their lives. Our residential visits promote key personal development skills such as team building,  independence and confidence.

Visit To Grinton

Children in Year 5 visit Grinton Lodge in Swaledale North Yorkshire. This is a 3 night residential visit in September. The children have a great week and the facilities are excellent. The experience is invaluable, helping children to develop their independence, their self-confidence and social skills as well as enjoying all the natural environment has to offer.
During their time at the centre the children have the experience of exploring the local countryside taking part in activities which will include a day walk on Grinton Moor, stream dipping, orienteering, visiting Richmond town as well as using the experience to inspire writing. The visit is of great benefit to the children as the opportunities it offers are varied.

Please access the link to our Grinton Blog that our current Year 5 children have contributed to.

Visit To Howtown

Children in Year 6 visit Howtown Outward Bound Centre in the Lake District. This is a 4 night residential visit towards the end of October. The visits are enormously successful, enjoyed greatly by the children and talked about much on return. The children get so much out of this kind of week. The centre is owned by Outward Bound, a national firm, and the accommodation is state of the art. The outdoor activities run by the centre include canoeing, rock-climbing, abseiling, fell-walking and team-work problems. The centre has its own qualified staff who lead these activities.
The children get to do many different things, often activities they have not had the chance to pursue before. It is the chance for them to gain more independence, develop their confidence and challenge themselves – as well as having a great time!