Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

At Brandon Primary School, we aim to develop the whole child, including their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. Further information is available in our SMSC Policy which you can find in the School Policies section of our website.
Below are just a few examples of how we show our:
Spiritual Development
- Visits to or visitors from places of worship
- Chances to show awe and wonder, curiosity, connection and belonging
Moral Development
- Displaying our Children’s Charter
- Giving opportunities to explore moral issues
- Rewarding and celebrating good behaviour
- Taking responsibility for our own actions
Social Development
- Learning about British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance in an increasingly complex society
- Electing a School Council and House Captains
- Making a democratic decision
- Conveying aspirations and fundraising efforts of teachers and children
- Encouraging cooperation, respect, determination and tolerance
- Giving leadership opportunities and responsibilities
Cultural Development
- Learning about Britain’s demographic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain
- Nurturing and celebrating our gifts and talents through music, drama, dance, sports, art and design and technology
- Making links with cultural agencies and individuals