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Compliments, Complaints & Feedback

We are always seeking to improve on the quality of education we provide for children with SEND and are keen to hear from parents about their child’s experience.

We would also like your views about the content of our SEND Information Report. If you would like to comment please contact us.

Compliments are always gratefully received and can be passed on either directly to staff and the SENDCo, or formally recorded via an email or letter to the Executive Head Teacher or Head of School. These positive comments will be published on this area of our school website.

We hope that complaints about our SEND provision will be rare, however, if there should be a concern, parents/carers should contact the SENDCo. If the complaint is not resolved, the school has a complaints policy which can be found on our website.

Parents/carers can contact the Durham Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) on 0191 587 3541 or 03000 267 007. Alternatively, you can email at or complete the contact form through their website at This is a free, confidential service for young people who have SEND and their parent/carers. The service is available whether or not the young person has an Education Health Care Plan.

Durham County Council has developed a Local Offer which provides information about education, health and social care support for children and young people with SEND in Durham. The Local Offer can be found at